Being Happy Right Now. (Subconscious Mind Power)
Hi there beautiful, powerful, loving souls!
I hope you are all feeling amazing because you are amazing <3
Today I decided to talk about how we can be happy right now.
I want to come at this from more of a spiritual, yet a scientifical approach through the subconscious mind because I truly believe that everything we seek is within us.
There is nothing else we need, nothing outside of us, no magic pill or anything we lack, we just need to be Willing to listen, allow, surrender, let go, and believe.
As some of you may have read on my last blog post, there are many tools that I use that help get me to a happier higher vibrating state.
This year I have made it a year of me, and making it my top priority to allow myself the time to soul search, to learn more about myself, to really just align with my higher purpose and dig deep into what serves me, empowers me and what doesn't.
This journey has been so beautiful, life-changing, clarifying, refreshing, purposeful ... just everything amazing!!
Of course, there are days when clarity is clouded, but that is too part of the process. When life gives you a new lesson (and you may perceive it as not so good one), its a blessing because it is not only the power of polarity, to see what it is we don't like or want and to see and know what it is we do want and like. But also, it's a perfect time to practice surrendering.
It's a perfect time to reflect. It's a perfect time to practice self-love and self-care. It's a perfect time to practice forgiveness and release. It's a perfect time to cut cords and let go of what no longer serves you. It's also a very important time to just feel. Feel the feelings you are going through, and still, love and respect yourself so much for it.
At this point, I understand I am not my external circumstances but rather I am the internal being.
Because I choose to believe that I am the creator of my own life.
I am the thinker of my thoughts.
And everything I am presently living is because I have created this through thought and beliefs and habits and at any time that I choose I can change that and create a better reality, because life is rigged to my favor and everything I seek also seeks me easily and effortlessly, always serving my highest purpose.
So let's get down to it, shall we?!
Being happy is a choice.
Let's make one thing clear right now though,
Being truly happy is different from positive thinking.
BEING has more power.
You can think about being happy but that is not really BEING happy.
Or you can just BE happy and feel the feelings of being happy and looking and doing everything that makes you happy and feeling That feeling!
You cant fake being happy, or fake being sad or fake being anything!
Its either you are happy or you are not.
Not trying to be redundant but it may be difficult to understand especially if you're trying to change into seeing and being a happier, higher vibrating soul that focuses on love, joy, gratitude, abundance...etc, when there are so many other external circumstances in your life that are bringing you down or giving you reasons to feel lower vibrating emotions like depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy... etc.
So I want to be clear because I understand being in a situation where it's difficult to be happy and want to be but you just are not.
Honestly, that is the beauty of this self-love, spiritual growth journey is that it's not "easy come, easy go", its practice every day, highs and lows.
And I can tell you from personal experience that I would not have it any other way. I am more grateful, I am surer of my future and I am freer than I have ever been in my life.
You see, you can have old habits and old ways of thinking and old beliefs that may not be empowering you or serving you in any way (except its just a survival mechanism your body uses to make you THINK you need those old limiting thoughts or habits or beliefs in your life for survival but in reality this can be changed).
We have the power to change our minds. It is ok to choose something better. It is ok to believe something that empowers you. It is ok to let go of old things. You are strong, you are worthy of all things great, and you hold the power to your life.
This next part might get a little confusing to some but that's ok your subconscious mind will pick up on the information you are ready for and need at this time, just stay with me here because this is KEY.
You have three levels to your mind (studied extensively by Austrian psychologist: Sigmund Freud): the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind.
For today's post and purpose, we will only be talking mostly about the subconscious mind.
There have been numerous studies that reveal that 95% of our cognitive activities such as decisions, emotions, actions, behavior are generated beyond your consciousness, leaving only 5% to be conscious.
Can you believe that! 95%, almost everything you do or say is on auto-pilot from previously stored responses.
Our subconscious mind is like a large storage that has stored all of our recurring thoughts, behavior patterns, habits, and feelings but also programmed with behaviors and beliefs that we acquired before the age of 7!
"Ok, so what are you trying to tell me, Tina?!" ... Well let me explain a little further,
The subconscious mind has so much power.
Because a lot of what we believe has been programmed and instilled in us from before we might even remember, it's crucial for us to reprogram it with empowering thoughts that serve us.
Your subconscious mind loves you and wants to serve you so it follows orders, and needs constant repetition to learn something new (hence why I'm a firm believer of affirmations, mantras, journaling gratitude..etc).
When you identify yourself with something then your subconscious mind does not argue and takes it in as truth, this is why "I Am" statements or declarations are extremely effective.
Start telling yourself a new truth. Start making Yourself feel happy, fulfilled, loved and empowered.
I Am Strong. I Am Worthy. I Am Abundant. I Am Love.
Your subconscious mind is actually the one that brings up resistance, or why you might unconsciously manifest something "negative" to happen in your life, sometimes it comes up again and again because that is your subconscious mind telling you "Hey dude can you work on this please."
So this is where work through this, then release it and let it go (like I spoke Once we get to a place where we are aware of what we are thinking, saying, and doing then we can choose to believe something different and choose the thoughts we think. Like I said this is not overnight, its a practice.
Practice telling yourself loving thoughts and empower yourself so that you can walk with your head high and know what you are here for, what you stand for, who you are, and what you want in life.
Ask yourself, "What thoughts are going to serve me well?"
And think of things that are going to have a positive outcome.
For example, if we want to feel happy we might tell ourselves something like
"I am the creator of my life and I choose to believe that everything is happening for me"
This will then may make us feel at ease in knowing everything is going like it should. Empowered, knowing we are in control.
Believe that statement, feel it to your core.
Feel the feeling of being at ease, get some leverage to what you're choosing to believe and look at why this Is the truth and why anything else wouldn't serve you.
In this case, be at ease in knowing everything is rigged in your favor and what is meant for you will come to you in dive time, because worrying about something you have zero control over never helped anyone.
I hope this helped you in some way shape or form love.
Sending you so much love and light<3
There was so much I could dig deeper on with this subject so I might make the second part if this was helpful for you out there.
Let me know if this served you in any way and in what another way I can be a light or voice for you<3
Love you
Dream Catchers,
Tina oxo
(AKA Marthina Llamas)
I hope you are all feeling amazing because you are amazing <3
Today I decided to talk about how we can be happy right now.
I want to come at this from more of a spiritual, yet a scientifical approach through the subconscious mind because I truly believe that everything we seek is within us.
There is nothing else we need, nothing outside of us, no magic pill or anything we lack, we just need to be Willing to listen, allow, surrender, let go, and believe.
As some of you may have read on my last blog post, there are many tools that I use that help get me to a happier higher vibrating state.
This year I have made it a year of me, and making it my top priority to allow myself the time to soul search, to learn more about myself, to really just align with my higher purpose and dig deep into what serves me, empowers me and what doesn't.
This journey has been so beautiful, life-changing, clarifying, refreshing, purposeful ... just everything amazing!!
Of course, there are days when clarity is clouded, but that is too part of the process. When life gives you a new lesson (and you may perceive it as not so good one), its a blessing because it is not only the power of polarity, to see what it is we don't like or want and to see and know what it is we do want and like. But also, it's a perfect time to practice surrendering.
It's a perfect time to reflect. It's a perfect time to practice self-love and self-care. It's a perfect time to practice forgiveness and release. It's a perfect time to cut cords and let go of what no longer serves you. It's also a very important time to just feel. Feel the feelings you are going through, and still, love and respect yourself so much for it.
At this point, I understand I am not my external circumstances but rather I am the internal being.
Because I choose to believe that I am the creator of my own life.
I am the thinker of my thoughts.
And everything I am presently living is because I have created this through thought and beliefs and habits and at any time that I choose I can change that and create a better reality, because life is rigged to my favor and everything I seek also seeks me easily and effortlessly, always serving my highest purpose.
So let's get down to it, shall we?!
Being happy is a choice.
Let's make one thing clear right now though,
Being truly happy is different from positive thinking.
BEING has more power.
You can think about being happy but that is not really BEING happy.

You cant fake being happy, or fake being sad or fake being anything!
Its either you are happy or you are not.
Not trying to be redundant but it may be difficult to understand especially if you're trying to change into seeing and being a happier, higher vibrating soul that focuses on love, joy, gratitude, abundance...etc, when there are so many other external circumstances in your life that are bringing you down or giving you reasons to feel lower vibrating emotions like depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy... etc.
So I want to be clear because I understand being in a situation where it's difficult to be happy and want to be but you just are not.
Honestly, that is the beauty of this self-love, spiritual growth journey is that it's not "easy come, easy go", its practice every day, highs and lows.
And I can tell you from personal experience that I would not have it any other way. I am more grateful, I am surer of my future and I am freer than I have ever been in my life.
You see, you can have old habits and old ways of thinking and old beliefs that may not be empowering you or serving you in any way (except its just a survival mechanism your body uses to make you THINK you need those old limiting thoughts or habits or beliefs in your life for survival but in reality this can be changed).
We have the power to change our minds. It is ok to choose something better. It is ok to believe something that empowers you. It is ok to let go of old things. You are strong, you are worthy of all things great, and you hold the power to your life.
This next part might get a little confusing to some but that's ok your subconscious mind will pick up on the information you are ready for and need at this time, just stay with me here because this is KEY.
You have three levels to your mind (studied extensively by Austrian psychologist: Sigmund Freud): the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind.
For today's post and purpose, we will only be talking mostly about the subconscious mind.
There have been numerous studies that reveal that 95% of our cognitive activities such as decisions, emotions, actions, behavior are generated beyond your consciousness, leaving only 5% to be conscious.
Can you believe that! 95%, almost everything you do or say is on auto-pilot from previously stored responses.
Our subconscious mind is like a large storage that has stored all of our recurring thoughts, behavior patterns, habits, and feelings but also programmed with behaviors and beliefs that we acquired before the age of 7!
"Ok, so what are you trying to tell me, Tina?!" ... Well let me explain a little further,
The subconscious mind has so much power.
Because a lot of what we believe has been programmed and instilled in us from before we might even remember, it's crucial for us to reprogram it with empowering thoughts that serve us.
Your subconscious mind loves you and wants to serve you so it follows orders, and needs constant repetition to learn something new (hence why I'm a firm believer of affirmations, mantras, journaling gratitude..etc).
When you identify yourself with something then your subconscious mind does not argue and takes it in as truth, this is why "I Am" statements or declarations are extremely effective.
Start telling yourself a new truth. Start making Yourself feel happy, fulfilled, loved and empowered.
I Am Strong. I Am Worthy. I Am Abundant. I Am Love.
Your subconscious mind is actually the one that brings up resistance, or why you might unconsciously manifest something "negative" to happen in your life, sometimes it comes up again and again because that is your subconscious mind telling you "Hey dude can you work on this please."
So this is where work through this, then release it and let it go (like I spoke Once we get to a place where we are aware of what we are thinking, saying, and doing then we can choose to believe something different and choose the thoughts we think. Like I said this is not overnight, its a practice.
Practice telling yourself loving thoughts and empower yourself so that you can walk with your head high and know what you are here for, what you stand for, who you are, and what you want in life.
Ask yourself, "What thoughts are going to serve me well?"
And think of things that are going to have a positive outcome.
For example, if we want to feel happy we might tell ourselves something like
"I am the creator of my life and I choose to believe that everything is happening for me"
This will then may make us feel at ease in knowing everything is going like it should. Empowered, knowing we are in control.
Believe that statement, feel it to your core.
Feel the feeling of being at ease, get some leverage to what you're choosing to believe and look at why this Is the truth and why anything else wouldn't serve you.
In this case, be at ease in knowing everything is rigged in your favor and what is meant for you will come to you in dive time, because worrying about something you have zero control over never helped anyone.
I hope this helped you in some way shape or form love.
Sending you so much love and light<3
There was so much I could dig deeper on with this subject so I might make the second part if this was helpful for you out there.
Let me know if this served you in any way and in what another way I can be a light or voice for you<3
Love you
Dream Catchers,
Tina oxo
(AKA Marthina Llamas)
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