
Boundaries - How And Why You Need Them!

Hey beautiful souls, have you ever felt like someone crossed the line, stepped on, maybe even disrespected you? Well, I don't know about you but I have had those experiences before. They're not fun, and quite frankly they're annoying. lol like for real, who likes to be in a hostile environment? NOT ME! This is why I'm making this post. Because once I started setting boundaries for myself, I feel more in control of my emotions. Now I know, I get to decide who I want to surround myself with, spend my time with or conversate with. Because if something is not serving me in a good way then I absolutely refuse to spend my energy on that. Let me tell you something, I'm Marthina Llamas, a recovering people pleaser, I still relapse once in a while but I recognize that I have every right to go first in my life, and there is no reason why I need to apologize for the person I am, the values I hold, or the goals and dreams I have. I am allowed and worthy to ke...

Being Happy Right Now. (Subconscious Mind Power)

Hi there beautiful, powerful, loving souls! I hope you are all feeling amazing because you are amazing <3 Today I decided to talk about how we can be happy right now. I want to come at this from more of a spiritual, yet a scientifical approach through the subconscious mind because I truly believe that everything we seek is within us. There is nothing else we need, nothing outside of us, no magic pill or anything we lack, we just need to be Willing to listen, allow, surrender, let go, and believe. As some of you may have read on my last blog post, there are many tools that I use that help get me to a happier higher vibrating state. This year I have made it a year of me, and making it my top priority to allow myself the time to soul search, to learn more about myself, to really just align with my higher purpose and dig deep into what serves me, empowers me and what doesn't. This journey has been so beautiful, life-changing, clarifying, refreshing, purposeful ... just every...

Why Its Important to Love and Know Yourself as a Military Spouse

Hello beautiful souls, Today I'm speaking to all the military spouses out there!<3 Y'all are the REAL MVP! I believe military spouses are pretty underestimated and not recognized enough. Someone who is not a military spouse (like me a couple years ago) might look at military spouses as just a dependant that receives pretty good medical benefits, job opportunities, and travel! But what the outside looking in might fail to see is everything that goes on inside an active duty family household. A lot of stress is coming in and out of the house, time apart from your significant other, constant changes, and responsibilities that still have to be accomplished on a daily basis especially if you have children in the picture. The first couple of months after I got medically discharged from the military, and then became a military spouse was a difficult transition at the time. The experience of feeling unworthy, sad, lonely, bored, loss of interests, and dependant on so...

US Military and Depression (Mission 22)

Open door policy. A policy that is put in place so that soldiers of any rank can walk into a command teams office and feel free of speaking about things that can affect discipline, morale and/or mission effectiveness. The thing is that with the uniform comes a certain uphold, that you have to be strong, stern, no emotions, no feelings. And truth be told that is what breaks people. We are human beings! We are all living, breathing, feeling things and we were made to love, and dream, and believe. There is no denying that when you join the military, there is a sense of pride, accomplishment, bravery, courage, and maybe even confidence that comes with that. The military, the veterans, the ones who fought for the freedom of others. The ones first to be called when there is a tragedy in the world, natural disasters, or protection that needs to be put in place. We protect the people of our country, we practice, we test, every day. We stay always prepared for the "big fight...

The Truth About Healing

Hi loves, Let's talk about healing... What a beautiful, yet for the most very difficult thing to do. Healing is a process for sure. You can't heal without first identifying what is hurting you. Too many times people "sweep things under the carpet" sort to speak. Sometimes people immediately shut off their feelings in situations, moments when maybe the best thing was to just... Feel. You see I think there is more than one step to healing. It's not just saying "BAM I'm healed!" Or I mean I'm sure some can go so long doing this, but I don't think they're truly happy. How can you be happy when you have not been able to look at some past mistake, heartbreak, guilt, blame, memory, eye to eye and face it with confidence, without putting yourself or others down? You simply cannot.  The way I see these steps are: 1. Event / Memory / Occurrence That moment in your past that you held some type of negative emotion towards. And by n...

What You'd Need to Know Before Getting Your Box Braids (Latina Hair)

Hola Como Estan todos? HEY ! How are yall doing, Today I'm writing to tell you about my experience getting box braids, what it was like, and how to maintain them. Want to start off by saying I Love box braids I think their beautiful and the ladies that wear this hairstyle look like an absolute Goddess (*heart eyes*). Also, have so much love and respect for these beauties who rock this beautiful hairstyle, for now, I know how painful it is! I felt confident! I was Loving trying new Hairstyles and just felt like a Goddess!! I will show you some pictures of me in my braids ;D OH and a couple supplies you might want to get to be prepared for your braids are: *Satin scarf/wrap/bonnet and/or Satin Pillowcase. *Spray bottle - So one thing I learned is your scalp is like a garden, Water it. *Argan Oil - helps with the Regrowth/Growth of your hair (since your hair is in constant tension and being pulled you will lose hair so you want to just make sure you're trying to use some ...